Collective Bargaining Update
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
The University is actively bargaining with CUPE Local 3912, Part-Time Faculty. The current collective agreement expired on August 31, 2024. The University is also actively bargaining with CUPE Local 3912, Teaching Assistants. This is the first collective agreement for this bargaining unit.
Initiating collective bargaining with CUPE Part-Time Faculty
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
The university has received notice to bargain with CUPE Part-Time Faculty and is currently in the process of exploring dates with the union to initiate collective bargaining. The current collective agreement expires on August 31, 2024. The university anticipates that the parties will be in a position to begin bargaining in the near future.
Notice to bargain collective agreement with CUPE 3212
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
The university has received notice to bargain the initial collective agreement with the recently certified CUPE 3212 Teaching Assistants bargaining unit. The university anticipates that the parties will be in a position to begin bargaining in the near future.
Saint Mary’s University and NSGEU Local 179 sign and finalize agreement
Friday, January 5, 2024
Agreement ratified between NSGEU Local 179 and Saint Mary’s University on October 12, 2023
Thursday, October 12, 2023
NSGEU Local 179 and Saint Mary’s University have ratified a new three-year collective agreement. The agreement has been posted to the university’s website with other collective agreements. The agreement is in effect until June 30, 2025.
Saint Mary’s University and NSGEU Local 179 to begin Conciliation on July 18, 2023
Thursday, June 1, 2023
Collective bargaining meetings between NSGEU and Saint Mary’s University began on December 7th, 2022, and several bargaining sessions have occurred subsequently.
On May 25 2023, the parties agreed to a date for conciliation (July 18th, 2023), and a Conciliation Officer has been appointed by the Minister of Labour, Skills and Immigration. The university looks forward to meeting with NSGEU Local 179 and the Conciliation Officer and working towards a resolution.
The union represents maintenance, security, general workers and support staff employed at the university.
Agreement ratified between SMUFU and Saint Mary’s University
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
The Saint Mary’s University Board of Governors and the Saint Mary’s University Faculty Union (SMUFU) have ratified a new three-year collective agreement effective September 1, 2022. In the coming weeks, the agreement will be posted to the university’s website with other collective agreements.
Agreement ratified by SMUFU members
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
SMUFU members: full-time faculty, professional librarians and lecturers at Saint Mary’s University held a ratification vote between February 17 and February 21, 2023. The membership voted in favour of the tentative agreement. Now, the agreement will proceed to the Saint Mary’s University’s Board of Governors for approval. This is expected to occur during the week of February 27, 2023.
CUPE Local 3912, representing part-time faculty members, and the university ratified an agreement
Thursday, February 16, 2023
The members of CUPE Local 3912, part-time faculty, ratified a tentative agreement with the university on January 27, 2023, and the university did the same on February 14, 2023. This means that this new agreement has been accepted by both parties and will now take effect.
“Thank you to the members of both negotiating teams for their hard work in achieving this ratified agreement,” says Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray, President and Vice-Chancellor, Saint Mary’s University.
SMUFU, representing full-time faculty, professional librarians and lecturers reached a tentative agreement on February 15, 2023
Thursday, February 16, 2023
The negotiating teams for Saint Mary’s University and the Saint Mary’s University Faculty Union (SMUFU), representing full-time faculty members, professional librarians and lecturers, reached a tentative agreement on February 15, 2023.
Next steps include ratification by the SMUFU members and the university’s Board of Governors. Further details about the agreement will be communicated to the community when they become available.
“I express my sincere appreciation to the negotiating teams,” says Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray, President and Vice-Chancellor, Saint Mary’s University. “We are pleased to have reached a tentative agreement.”
Collective Bargaining Update
Friday, February 10, 2023
The provincially appointed conciliator filed his report on February 3 which initiated the 14-day ‘cooling off’ period which ends on February 17.
Talks continue during this period and a meeting with the conciliator is scheduled for February 17.
A message to the Saint Mary's community
Thursday, February 2, 2023
Dear members of the university community,
We are writing to share some background regarding collective bargaining with the Saint Mary’s University Faculty Union (SMUFU). We know that members of the university community have questions and it is our aim to ensure accurate and timely communication as much as possible.
We also want to remind you that the latest updates can be found on this page along with FAQs.
The university is committed to the collective bargaining process and our goal is to reach a settlement that is fair, equitable, and within our means.
Collective Bargaining
During collective bargaining in the Fall of 2022, a total of 79 items were put forward by the two parties; 44 were resolved and the remainder were withdrawn. That left only 5 non-monetary matters and 3 monetary items when the union called for conciliation. During conciliation in January 2023, 4 of the non-monetary items were resolved and, as the 5th was outside the Collective Agreement, the university proposed an alternate resolution. This left only 3 monetary items unresolved: salary adjustments, retirement incentive schedules, and contributions to the union’s self-managed health plan. We did reach agreement in principle with SMUFU on the retirement incentive schedules. Therefore, the remaining 2 items are salary adjustments and contributions to the union’s health plan.
Conciliation ended on January 18, when the union rejected the employer’s final offer on salary and health plan contributions. The conciliator will file their report in early February to advise the Minister that the parties are at an impasse. However, both sides have expressed willingness to continue talks, and we have set aside time to meet soon. As well, we have agreed to meet with the conciliator on February 17.
During collective bargaining, the parties negotiate salary adjustments or increases to overall salary scales. The existing collective agreement provides for annual increases in salaries. These percentage increases subject to negotiation are in addition to the scales and step adjustments already embedded in the compensation model. Neither party has proposed changes to the step adjustments.
The members of SMUFU (fulltime faculty, professional librarians and lecturers) have salary scales which provide these annual increases (steps) to reflect experience gained and growth in their rank. For professors, these annual step increases are fixed dollar amounts for each rank and represent increases of 3.2% - 4.0% at the Assistant Professor rank, 2.5% - 3.4% at the Associate Professor rank, and 2.2% - 2.8% at the Full Professor rank. Each member’s salary moves up the steps until they reach the top. Any additional stipends which members receive (e.g. for service as department Chair, program coordinator, Associate Dean, or for market supplement) are separate and in addition. The Librarian and Lecturer scales are constructed on these same principles.
The yearly step increases within the tables are automatic, and any overall percentage increase reached through collective bargaining is applied to the scale amounts already provided. Therefore, any member who is not at the top step within their rank will receive both the step increase and the scale increase.
As reported by Statistics Canada, on average, professors at Saint Mary’s University are paid a salary of $133,750 (including Deans' salaries), the second highest in the province. Saint Mary’s University remains committed to fair compensation.
University’s Offer
The University’s current offer is consistent with recent agreements reached at other Nova Scotian universities.
Note: The last monetary item on which agreement has not been reached is the contribution provided by the university to SMUFU’s health plan.
Financial Landscape
- Consistent with many Canadian universities and trends resulting from the global pandemic, Saint Mary’s University’s fiscal situation is challenging. Overall, enrolments at SMU are trending downward due to shifting demographics in our region and obstacles for international students (visas, delays, travel restrictions).
- To a much greater degree than other NS universities, Saint Mary’s relies on its own source revenue to fund its operations. Tuition and other fees account for 66% of operating revenues, the highest percentage reliance on tuition and fees among Atlantic Canadian universities.
- Saint Mary’s receives a much smaller percentage of its operating revenue from government (26.5%) compared to other institutions in the Atlantic region (53%).
- Consistent with other Canadian institutions, Saint Mary’s experienced a pandemic-related decline in revenue from ancillary operations such as food services, residence and parking.
- Financial management at Saint Mary’s has always been prudent but the factors converging now are unprecedented.
Saint Mary's is committed to providing competitive terms and compensation for faculty and staff while ensuring the institution's longer-term sustainability.
We remain committed to the collective bargaining process to reach an agreement. We will continue to ensure you receive timely updates.
Michelle Benoit,
Vice-President, Finance and Administration
Madine VanderPlaat, PhD
Interim Vice-President, Academic and Research
Update on conciliation between Saint Mary's University and the Saint Mary's University Faculty Union (SMUFU)
Monday, January 23, 2023
The joint efforts of the bargaining teams of Saint Mary's University and the Saint Mary's University Faculty Union (SMUFU) have yet to successfully negotiate a new collective agreement. The university is willing to engage in further discussions in the best interests of all members of the SMU Community.
Following a one-year extension of the agreement ending on August 31, 2022, the bargaining teams have been meeting to exchange proposals and seek agreement. In October 2022, SMUFU (representing fulltime professors) requested the assistance of a conciliator appointed by the provincial government. After discussions facilitated by the conciliator, agreements were reached all non-monetary changes to the collective agreement proposed by both parties. However, the parties have not reached agreement on monetary items.
The university is working hard to reach a successful agreement with SMUFU even though it is in a challenging financial situation. The university has also considered recent agreements between other institutions and their faculty unions within the region. While an agreement has yet to be reached, the university continues to be open to further discussion and remains committed to reaching a settlement that is fair, equitable, and realistic.
Regarding the next step of the process, when the conciliator declares that the parties are at an impasse, the conciliator will file a report with the Minister of Labour, Skills and Immigration. This begins a 14-day ‘cooling off’ period. It is hoped that at least one more discussion between the parties will occur over this time. The university wants to emphasize it is willing to engage in further discussions in the best interests of all members of the SMU Community. SMUFU will be in a legal strike position after the cooling off period if the union formally provides 48 hours’ notice to the Minister of its intention to exercise its right to strike.
Saint Mary's University respects the collective bargaining process and will work with our colleagues to reach an agreement. The university will provide updates to the community as the process continues.
Collective bargaining continues with CUPE Local 3912 - Conciliation Officer appointed
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Collective bargaining between CUPE Local 3912 and Saint Mary’s University continued this fall. CUPE Local 3912 filed for conciliation to assist in finding an agreement, and a Conciliation Officer has been appointed. The university looks forward to meeting with CUPE Local 3912 and the Conciliation Officer and working towards a resolution.
Exchange of proposals takes place, agreements reached on many items, SMUFU requests conciliator for remaining items
Friday, October 28, 2022
Collective bargaining meetings between Saint Mary’s University and the Saint Mary’s University Faculty Union (SMUFU) continued this fall. Through several meetings, tentative agreements were reached on many proposed improvements to the collective agreement exchanged by the parties. On October 24, 2022, SMUFU requested the appointment of a conciliator to assist in finding an agreement for the last remaining items under discussion. The university looks forward to resolving these remaining items either through conciliation or at the bargaining table.
Collective Bargaining Continues with SMUFU
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
Meetings related to the collective bargaining process began between the Saint Mary’s University Faculty Union (SMUFU) and Saint Mary’s University Bargaining Team in early July 2022. Since the initial protocol discussion, several meetings have taken place over July and August as both groups work through proposed changes to the collective agreement. Additional meetings are expected to take place in August and early September.
Collective bargaining to begin with SMUFU and discussions ongoing with CUPE, Local 3912
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
The first bargaining meeting between the Saint Mary’s University Faculty Union (SMUFU) and Saint Mary’s University Bargaining Team is set for Monday, July 4, 2022.
Bargaining continues with CUPE Local 3912 – Part-Time Faculty, and several meetings have taken place.